Ontario, Canada & New York, NY – (EMAILWIRE) — The violent fluctuations in recent stock market activity have not been helped by the excess of credit in both the Personal and Commercial Markets, and a Fed Stimulus policy that has never reigned in the financial losses that caused the 2008-09 near Depression. Low interest rates have helped to maintain the world’s massive credit debt, however, those same low interest rates have been disastrous for the bond markets and for seniors and investors who rely on fixed income investments, 401 K’s and dividend-oriented stocks.
In an attempt to increase returns, some Investors have doubled down and are turning to less than Triple A backed securities – the same path that many took in 2008 – 9 to increase returns. We all remember how that turned out! Others went a different route and decided on a strategy that included Hard Assets like vintage watches, natural colored diamonds, colored gemstones, gold and signature Jewelry pieces as part of a more diversified approach to wealth creation. “That decision ten years ago rewarded investors with a triple digit return of 123% across the board on all colored diamonds during the decade 2009 – 2019,” reports Daniel Metcalfe, President of Phoenix Asset Consortium Ltd. With a declining supply of prime Hard Assets coming to Market each year coupled with double digit yearly increases in demand, Select Hard Asset returns are poised continue in double digit territory for the next 6-8 years while other asset classes very likely will not be able to match their past results!
Phoenix Asset Consortium is a Professional Advisory that specializes in the sale of Select Hard Assets to individuals looking to increase wealth and accumulate assets with a track record of double-digit growth.
North America is now part of a worldwide market community. The benefits of an international market economy are lower labor costs and an international supply chain that has been driving profits in the North American stock market for the past decade. However, just as the international markets have rewarded investors handsomely, they can also contribute to volatility and downside risk. Trade wars, inflation, and higher cost of borrowing can create havoc and take away significant value very quickly. None of these situations are the fault of North American investors, but as part of the new world economy, investors are affected, nonetheless.
The case for Asset Diversification, and a return to fiscal privacy and safe Wealth Accumulation is clear. Mr. Metcalfe emphasizes that “it is prudent for investors to investigate any and all opportunities for proven double digit returns, minimal risk and “old school” financial privacy.”

About Phoenix Asset Consortium Ltd.
Phoenix Asset Consortium specializes in the purchase and sale of Hard Assets for Wealth Accumulation and estate planning purposes. The firm holds membership in the International Colored Gemstone Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, go to https://www.phoenixassetconsortium.com
Contact Information
Phoenix Asset Consortium Ltd.
Daniel Metcalfe, President
Skyway Business Park
190 Attwell Drive, Suite 680
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6H8
Phone: 416-679-0580
Email: info@phoenixassetconsortium.com
This report is based on information available to the public. The information and any statistical data contained herein has been obtained from sources we believe reliable, but we do not represent that they are accurate or complete and should not be relied upon as such. The material contained herein is for information purposes only.
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